
Thursday, September 13, 2012

You vs. Yourself

Do you ever find yourself competing with other writers? I guess by its very nature, publishing is a competition (i.e. your manuscript competing with so many others for a publisher's attention).

I know that deep down, I often compare myself (and I guess compete) with my other writing buddies. For example, there are a few individuals in my writing group who are getting published. While I'm so happy for them, there is that part of me that compares myself to their achievements. I want to get published too. Are they better writers than me? I wish I had half the energy and motivation that some of them seem to have so I could write more. All of these comparisons ... and it just gets me discouraged.

That is why I find the above quote encouraging. Why do some of us strive to be 'better' than others? We don't know the struggles and sacrifices that person may have gone through to get where they are in their writing career today. Anyway, why bother comparing yourself to another person? You will never be them.

There is only you and your writing journey. So the true competition focuses on this question: how can you be a better writer today than the one you were yesterday?


  1. GREAT quote, Siobhan; I agree with it 100%. We should strive for ourselves and take pride in the growth we experience at every step of the way.
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Thanks for your comment, Mina. Can't wait to do the Resurrection Blogfest!

  2. I think it's important to respect our individual writing journey.

  3. Great post! I think you're right about both the feelings of jealousy and ultimately the need to compete with ourselves. Our writing won't get better unless we seek to improve on what we've done before, improving with each step forward.

    1. Thanks for your comment. Agreed. Although we can learn things from the writing of others, keeping the competition (the challenge) within ourselves, and striving to be a better writer than we were yesterday will bring that much more 'sparkle' to our work and make us feel more satisfied as a writer.

  4. Thanks for coming by.
    Yes, we must find our own voice and be completely ourselves. I do think people can influence our writing but ultimately we are who we are.
    ~Naila Moon

  5. I love that quote! I think that there are different kinds of rivalry; the good one where you learn from others successes and abilities, and the negative where you just can't stand the thought of someone being better than you. We should learn from others and then beat ourselves. Awesome advise!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. =)
